We focus on cooler bags and other soft bags, including backpacks, duffel bags, waist bags, lunch delivery bags, tote bags, and drawstring bags of various styles.
Our factory is located in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China. Our factory is only 10 minutes away from Xiamen Airport.
Of course, inventory samples are free, you only need to bear the freight, and provide your express account to our sales team to collect the freight. Please send us an inquiry for customized samples; the lead time for samples is 5-7 days.
45 days for stock orders and 30 days for custom orders.
We are an OEM&ODM factory and exporter specialized in manufacturing soft bags since 2004.
"Quality first." We always attach great importance to quality control from beginning to end. We provide pre-production samples before mass production. Final inspection before shipment.
The MOQ for custom orders is 1000 pcs.
Yes. You can choose any color you want. And it's free.
Our factory covers an area of about 6,000 square meters, has 150 skilled workers, and has a monthly production capacity of 2 million bags.
LALAMOVE, Sail, Hu-friedy, Accentcare, Disney and so on.
We have obtained factory inspection certificates of GRS, BSCI, TUV ISO 9001.
Material, size, color, logo, profile, imprint size, imprint method, quantity and any other requirements.
T/T payment at sight, repeat orders can be negotiated.